PDA first appeared in 1986. But the shape is still like a small computer that can be gripped, which is equipped with a keyboard and screen. Further development of PDA has a touch screen and an external memory slot which is characteristic of a PDA and a standard for PDA’s. And on recent developments, a PDA is more often used as a means of wireless communication. Feature currently offered also refers more to support consumer lifestyles as internet users.
PDA’s have a working system like an operating system on your computer, so that the PDA is said hand held computer, mobile phone or a merger with the computer. Current PDA capabilities to perform various memory cards are supported by the availability of which reach the size of gigabytes. PDA users can add different kinds of features you want without having to fear the memory limitations. With the addition of new features, it does not mean the old features removed. Initially an assistant to function as a digital agenda remains a feature of the most widely used mainly by businessmen. PDA users can enter his schedule to be reminded later by a reminder tool.
PDA’s have a working system like an operating system on your computer, so that the PDA is said hand held computer, mobile phone or a merger with the computer. Current PDA capabilities to perform various memory cards are supported by the availability of which reach the size of gigabytes. PDA users can add different kinds of features you want without having to fear the memory limitations. With the addition of new features, it does not mean the old features removed. Initially an assistant to function as a digital agenda remains a feature of the most widely used mainly by businessmen. PDA users can enter his schedule to be reminded later by a reminder tool.